Saturday, July 19, 2014


Really wish i was drawing more these days.


I love seeing the transformation of traditional mediums turned digital. Its a diiferent kind of appreciation, the kind I get when i clean something so well it shines.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

get inspired.

I got a little inspired to start really moving forward with making some children's books. I was at the bookstore with Isaac today, and looking at some of the books made me realize I could make some books like these, even some better ones! I have so many ideas spilling out of me, sometimes they are hard to contain. So tonight, I thought it would be good to simply write them down. Its an easy act that could possibly get a good ball rolling. The first step ia always the hardest, but some momentum is better then none.

Monday, February 10, 2014


Trying to do or say anything has been tough around the house. Isaac is really using his favorite word every moment he gets. I think Dan sometimes wonders if he'll be completely outspoken around here once Isaac starts to talk.

Monday, February 3, 2014

subliminal messages

A little play with letters and teaching subliminal social media.

Sunday, February 2, 2014


Just me and Isaac.

How do dinosaurs...

I decided to make Isaac a picture of me and T-rex making him lunch.  Isaac loves this collection of books called "How does a dinosaur...." And theres "get well soon" , "clean their room", "eat their food", etc, etc. I went for a digital medium once more as I am really wanting to familiarize myself with it.  It's really fun to use ( im using sketchbook pro on an android tablet) , and i want my finished works to look professional, one day :-) .

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

digital play.

I feel like im constantly fighting this battle to stay traditional with my art. To stay in the sketchbook with the traditional mediums.  I feel like drawing and painting on a screen is a completely different talent, some things are easier to do...others harder. But everywhere I look, it seems only digital art is taken seriously, and a truely polished looked is what people strive for.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Quite Morbid.

My mind was wandering, doing some reflection of 2013, events that took place and so forth.  I randomly pondered people I had known that passed away last year, and realized I was notified of these passings through Facebook, through the grieving users shouting out their RIP's and eulogies.  I somehow find myself "bracing for the worse" before getting on Facebook these days.   I also tend to do that with early morning and late night phone calls.